Starting from: €21.00 per person
English, Francais, Italiano
30-50 people
Educational workshops
Suitable for children
Suitable for couples
Pets allowed
Parking available
Language supports
Il prezzo è di 21€ a persona
Teachers and disabled people do not pay
L’attività si svolge su un sentiero (Valle dell’Inferno) di 5 km e dura circa 4 ore, compreso briefing e debriefing
The difference in altitude is 130 metres
The didactic lesson is suitable for high school classes
The activity starts at 9:00 am and is available every day on request
Entrance from: Ercolano, reachable by bus within 12 m of length
The guide is available in English, French and Italian
Abbigliamento ed accessori consigliati: scarpe da trekking o da ginnastica, pantaloni lunghi, abbigliamento a strati, felpa e giacca antivento, k-way, cappello con visiera/lana, zaino (no tracolle), merenda, ricambio, crema solare, acqua, presidi sanitari personali
The activity is available for a maximum of 50 people and a minimum of 30
If there are more than 50 people present, it is possible to organize in different time slots
The tour is not suitable for people in wheelchairs
In caso di maltempo: è possibile concordare un programma alternativo o cambiare giorno
Reservations cancelled within 72 hours will entitle to a full refund
Reservations cancelled within 48 hours entitle the 60% to a refund.
Reservations canceled less than 24 hours before the event will not receive a refund
With Movery you always have a digital assistant at your side. Before booking we are at your disposal to clarify any doubts, after booking we will send you all the partner's information with which you can define the last little details. Don't worry until the experience is completed (and even during) our assistant will be there to resolve any unforeseen issues and clarify any doubts.
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