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Altamura is one of the largest municipalities in the province of Bari and its territory belongs to Alta Murgia National Park. Today the city is known for the beauty and richness of its historic center which houses fascinating monuments and buildings of great historical and cultural value.
One of the symbols of Altamura is undoubtedly its Cathedral built in Romanesque style in 1232 by order of Frederick II. Equally suggestive is the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Buon Cammino, whose construction dates back to 1747. Also of considerable interest is the Ethnographic Museum of Rural Civilization, where finds and objects relating to the world of agriculture, craftsmanship and viticulture are exhibited .
However, the Apulian locality is also known for the discovery of theMan from Altamura, a human fossil found in the Lamalunga cave which dates back to the Neanderthal period. Favored by a fertile territory and a mild climate, Altamura specializes in the cultivation of cereals and especially wheat. It is no coincidence that one of the most popular local products is the famous one Altamura bread which in 2005 received the DOP denomination.

Tours and walks

Walking tours

Walking tour alla scoperta del centro storico di Altamura

Piazza Duomo Altamura 2h
Per conoscere i segreti del pane di Altamura e la sua cultura puoi approfittare di...
0 / 5 Not Rated (0 Reviews)
2025-03-28 20:24:26
Historical walk

Walk with tasting trail in Altamura to explore the natural beauty of Alta Murgia

Masseria Scalera, Via Cassano delle Murge, 522, 70022 Altamura BA 5h
This evocative 6-kilometer hike in Alta Murgia awaits you to get to know its territory...
0 / 5 Not Rated (0 Reviews)
2025-03-28 20:24:26

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