Associated to Movery


Balloon Museum: journey into contemporary art at the Mostra d'Oltremare in Naples

For a novel and fun experience, there is nothing better than a visit to the Balloon Museum in Naples with its contemporary artworks inspired by the theme...

Halloween celebration in Naples amid myths and traditions

Pumpkins, nougat of the dead and spooky parties: in Naples Halloween is a holiday rooted in a past in which children asked for sweets and honored the memory...

Massimo Ranieri: the myth of Italian song

Massimo Ranieri's fantastic career marked by musical successes, films, television programs, stage directions and many accolades to his immense and multifaceted...

Neapolitan dialect: at the roots of a real language

The Neapolitan dialect is one of the most important languages in Italy and the world, which over time has developed its own literary tradition and...

Diego Armando Maradona: the immortal myth who made a people happy

For the past 40 years, the cult of Maradona has been alive and strong in Naples, helping to make the bond between the city and the team of...

Friarielli: the vegetable prince of the Neapolitan table

Whether on pizza, in panuozzo di Gragnano, or just with sausage, friarielli represent one of the most popular dishes among Neapolitans and non-Neapolitans alike...

Pasta puttanesca: the secrets of a delicious dish

Rich in flavor and taste, pasta alla puttanesca is one of the most well-known dishes of Italian cuisine in the world and is also very simple to...

Pasta potatoes and provolone cheese: one of the best dishes of Neapolitan cuisine

Simple to prepare, potato and provolone pasta is a well-known first course of Neapolitan cuisine that is never missing from the menu of...

The Red Lady: the mystery of the ghost of the Castle of Castellammare di Stabia

According to legend, the Red Lady roams inside the Castle of Castellammare di Stabia terrorizing her guests as revenge for the betrayal of love...

The rest of nothing: discovering the work of Enzo Striano

The Rest of Nothing is the great masterpiece by Neapolitan writer Enzo Striano in which he tells us about the exploits of Eleonora de Fonseca...

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