Starting from: €50.00 per person
English, Italian
1-12 people
Boat experience
Suitable for children
Suitable for couples
Pets allowed
Parking available
Language supports
Il costo del tour in barca è di 50€ a persona
Il giro è disponibile tutti i giorni con partenza alle ore 18:30 e rientro alle ore 21:00 (l'orario di partenza potrebbe essere soggetto a variazioni in base al periodo)
Il giro parte dal porto di Marina di Chiaiolella a Procida
Il tour ha una durata di circa 2 ore ed è prevista la sosta bagno
Appetizer is included in the price
The boat is a 12mt cabin cruiser with bathroom, sundeck, shade tent, music and every comfort
The minimum number of participants is 2, the maximum 12
Non sono ammessi a bordo animali e persone disabili in carrozzina
Free cancellation can be made up to 72 hours before the date and time of booking
Full reimbursement will be made only in case of reasons of personal nature of the partner accompanying you during the tour or due to adverse weather conditions
Tired of the usual drink at the bar? Break the routine and enjoy a boat ride at sunset. Enjoy a good aperitif and relax, letting yourself be lulled by the waves of the sea, while in the background the island of Procida will be framed by the beautiful colors of the sunset.
Departure is scheduled from the east pier of the port of Marina Grande. You will visit the west side of the island, sailing accompanied by good music and excellent company. You will pass through the Ciraccio Beach, the longest sandy stretch in all of Procida, and therefore the richest in establishments, which is separated from the Chiaiolella by two blocks of tufa, created in the sea by a landslide of the rocky ridge. Continuing the tour you will also encounter the bridge of theislet of Vivara.
Enjoy the sunset before returning to port.
Also in the magical location of Procida Movery also offers a dinner boat with evening bath. Departure is scheduled from the port of Marina di Chiaiolella and upon arriving at Baia delle Chiaie the skipper will make a stop to enjoy the fantastic atmosphere of the Corricella and experience an incredible dinner on board the boat. In addition, there will also be time for a rejuvenating night swim in the beautiful waters of Procida.
With Movery you always have a digital assistant at your side. Before booking we are at your disposal to clarify any doubts, after booking we will send you all the partner's information with which you can define the last little details. Don't worry until the experience is completed (and even during) our assistant will be there to resolve any unforeseen issues and clarify any doubts.
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Experience not to be missed