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Avellino, heir to the ancient one Roman colony Abellinum, is located in the heart ofIrpinia, circondata dai Monti Picentini, dal Monte Tuoro e dal noto Massiccio di Montevergine. Il famoso terremoto del 1980 ha causato danni così gravi che la città fu ricostruita quasi del tutto.
La città è la testimonianza dello scorrere inesorabile di secoli e epoche, a partire dalle tracce preistoriche esposte nel Irpino Museum: as well as an archaeological exhibition of approximately 2,000 m2, the museum also houses a nativity scene collection, a library, theNewspaper library, where newspapers and magazines are collected, the Network Center and the Media library.
Si passa poi all'area archeologica di Abellinum, situata on the left bank of the river Saturday. Here you can admire the remains of the fortifications of the previous Samnite settlement, the following Roman wall circuit, the spa, one domus in Hellenistic-Pompeian style and the forum. Along the perimeter of the Church of Sant'Ippolisto were also brought to light necropolis e luoghi di sepoltura.
La storia ci conduce poi alle trame familiari della Settecentesca Villa Amendola, private residence equipped with a large Botanical Garden and today Civic Museum. The cultural symbol par excellence is certainly the Bourbon prison. Penitentiary structure until 1987, currently the characteristic monumental complex houses some sections of the Irpino Museum, theState Archives, un auditorium e le sale destinate a congressi ed eventi artistici e culturali.
I boschi che circondano Avellino e le province sono molto famosi soprattutto per la bontà delle chestnuts that are found there; every autumn excursions are organized for a beautiful harvest, especially in Montella.



Sanctuary of Montevergine: history of one of Campania's most beloved places of worship

Via Santuario, 83013, Mercogliano, Avellino 1h

Visit one of the most important Benedictine complexes in Campania and Italy, a destination for half a million...

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2025-03-03 09:59:50

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