Associated to Movery


Raffaele Viviani, the scugnizzo of Castellammare di Stabia

Discover with us the story of the great Stabia artist Raffaele Viviani, known in Naples and throughout Italy for his amazing works and his career...

Cusano Talk Festival: the festival of summer

The most anticipated summer festival of all: The Cusano Talk Festival. Art, literature, concerts, DJ sets and food and wine reviews are the stars of the festival in Cusano...

The Prince of Cardito and his love for Pozzuoli.

Discovering the Prince of Cardito. The philanthropic patron who left his mark between Naples and Pozzuoli by promoting building, social and...

The Enchanted Kingdom: stories of Naples for the little ones

Abbiamo intervistato chi ha dato vita alle immagini del libro di Storie di Napoli, che racconta i Campi Flegrei, Baia Sommersa e la Casina Vanvitelliana ai piĂą…

Coffee, more than a tradition

Scopri insieme a noi la storia del caffè ed alcune curiositĂ  di questa eccellenza napoletana e compagno quotidiano di tutti gli italiani, e non…

Father's Day: a sweet St. Joseph's Day

 Some original ideas on how to spend St. Joseph's Day indoors or outdoors, to celebrate this special day with your...

Giordano Bruno: philosopher, Neapolitan, traveler

Giordano Bruno was a great Neapolitan philosopher who has become symbol of freedom of thought, let’s discover the places that were dear to…

Giordano Bruno: philosopher, Neapolitan, traveler

Giordano Bruno è un grande filosofo partenopeo divenuto il simbolo per eccellenza della libertĂ  di pensiero, ripercorriamo insieme i luoghi a lui…

Lucretia and love with Alfonso V, king of Naples

The memorable love between the young Lucrezia d'Alagno and King Alfonso V. A relationship shrouded in legends and magic, sincere and engaging, yet...

Boccaccio in Naples: city where he meets love

Discovering Giovanni Boccaccio's Naples between life and works. and the encounter between the poet and his sweetheart, Fiammetta, at the Basilica of San Lorenzo Maggiore in...

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