Associated to Movery


Agrippina Minor, Nero's mother

Agrippina Minor was a woman with a strong personality, whose ghost still roams around her tomb, combing her long...

Giacomo Leopardi in Naples, the Neapolitan sojourn.

Discover the itinerary and many interesting facts about the places in Naples, the city where Giacomo Leopardi lived during the last years of his...

Giacomo Leopardi in Naples, the Neapolitan stay.

Discover the itinerary and many curiosities about the places of Naples, the city where Giacomo Leopardi lived during the last years of his...

The Panuozzo of Gragnano, a speciality from Campania

Experience all the uniqueness and goodness of the Panuozzo of Gragnano, to be tasted directly in its land of...

The Panuozzo di Gragnano, a Campania specialty

Experience the uniqueness and goodness of Panuozzo di Gragnano, a typical traditional product of Campania, to be tasted directly in its land...

The Rione Luzzatti told by Maurizio Pagano

Discover the stages of the route, in the Poggioreale district, through the words of the writer of Rione...

The Luzzatti district as told by Maurizio Pagano

Discover with us the places of Amica Geniale in Naples through the words of Maurizio Pagano, the writer of the Rione...

Troisi, the kiss in Bacoli and the Chiaia stairs.

Let's relive together one of the most romantic scenes from the timeless film Scusate il ritardo (Sorry I'm late) by Massimo Troisi, filmed on the beach of Miliscola in...

Walking with Eduardo de Filippo in the historic center of Naples

We walked in the footsteps of theater legend Eduardo de Filippo, the author of Natale in Casa Cupiello, with tours among the historic buildings of...

Vanvitelli and the renewal of eighteenth-century art

Discover the artistic genius of Lodewijk van Wittel, known to most as Luigi Vanvitelli, an 18th-century architect, painter and sculptor...

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