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Educational excursions to Vesuvius for schools

80056 Herculaneum, Metropolitan City of Naples, Italy

Starting from: €10.00 per person

5 / 5 Excellent (7 Reviews)
(7 reviews)
from €10.00
5 / 5
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English, Francais, Italiano





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Suitable for children

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Suitable for couples

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Pets allowed

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Parking available

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Language supports

Important things to know

Services included

  • Exclusive Movery money back guarantee
  • Tourist assistance service included
  • Instant ticket delivery
  • Tickets are accepted on smartphones

Tickets and discounts

  • Il prezzo per il Sentiero n. 4 (Riserva Forestale Tirone Alto Vesuvio), Sentiero n.9 (Fiume di lava), Sentiero n.5 (Gran Cono del Vesuvio), Sentiero n. 1 e n. 6  (Cratere Side Walk), Sentiero n. 11 (Pineta di Terzigno) è di 10 € ad alunno

  • Il prezzo per il Sentiero n. 1 (La Valle dell’Inferno)  è di 12 € ad alunno

  • Teachers and people with disabilities do not pay

Tour information

  • The excursion is available every day upon reservation

  • Abbigliamento ed accessori: consigliato scarpe da trekking o da ginnastica, pantaloni lunghi, abbigliamento a strati, felpa e giacca antivento, k-way, cappello con visiera/lana, zaino (no tracolle), merenda, ricambio, crema solare, acqua, presidi sanitari personali.

  • The tour is available from 9:00 to 17:00

  • The guide is available in Italian, English and French

  • The "Pineta di Terzigno" trail is the only one suitable for people with disabilities, all other trails are not suitable 


  • Visits to the Gran Cono del Vesuvio from an elevation of 1000m and above are chargeable and involve the purchase of an online access ticket by the Vesuvius National Park Authority

  • The price does not include the parking fee

  • Each tour guide can accompany a maximum of 20 students

  • In caso di maltempo è possibile concordare un programma alternativo o cambiare giorno


  • Reservations cancelled within 72 hours will entitle to a full refund

  • Reservations cancelled within 48 hours entitle the 60% to a refund.

  • Reservations canceled less than 24 hours before the event will not receive a refund

Tirone Alto Vesuvio Forest Reserve - Trail No. 4

  • Recommended classes: Kindergarten, Primary I-V grade-Sec I and II grade

  • Il percorso offre due opzioni: un percorso breve e uno lungo. Il percorso breve copre 3 km, con una durata di circa 2 ore e un dislivello di 80 metri. Il percorso lungo si estende per 5 km, con una durata simile di circa 2 ore e lo stesso dislivello di 80 metri.

  • Entrance from: Ercolano, reachable by bus within 12 m of length

Lava River - Trail No. 9

  • Recommended classes: Primary I-V class-Sec I and II grade

  • Durata: 2 ore - 1.5 km con dislivello di 50 metri

  • Entrance from: Ercolano, reachable by bus within 12 m of length

Great Cone of Vesuvius – Path n. 5

  • Classi consigliate: primaria V, classe secondaria I e II grado

  • Il percorso offre due opzioni: percorso turistico di 3 km, durata di circa 2 ore, con un dislivello di 150 metri e il 
    percorso completo di 6 km, circa 3 ore, con un dislivello di 170 metri

  • Accesso con ticket da acquistare solo on line, non incluso nel prezzo

  • Entrance from: Ercolano, reachable by bus within 12 m of length

Crater side walk - Trail No. 1 and No. 6

  • Recommended classes: Primary I-V class-Sec I and II grade

  • Durata: 2/3 ore - 3km con 90 metri di dislivello

  • Entrance from: Ercolano, reachable by bus within 12 m of length

  • È possibile estendere l'itinerario continuando con l'ascesa al bordo craterico dal versante orientale, previo acquisto dei biglietti online (sentiero n.5). Questa opzione è particolarmente indicata per gli studenti della scuola secondaria di secondo grado

The Valley of Hell – Path no. 1

  • Recommended classes: Secondary I and II cycle

  • Durata: 3 ore - 4km con 150 metri di dislivello

  • Entrance from: Ercolano, reachable by bus within 12 m of length

Terzigno pine forest – Path n. 11

  • Classi consigliate: infanzia, primaria, alla disabilità motoria, visita e psicosensoriale

  • Durata: 2 ore - 2km con 10 metri di dislivello

  • Entrance from: Terzigno, reachable by bus without limitations

About this activity

Are you planning a unique and unforgettable day for your students? Then book a fantastic hike in the Vesuvius National Park. This is the ideal activity for children and teenagers of various age groups.
In the company of experienced guides, you will walk along 6 different routes which wind between Vesuvius and Monte Somma and from which you can enjoy a magnificent panoramic view. Each path covers a different area of the park and it will be possible to get to know the different botanical varieties and many species of animals that populate this fascinating area.
In addition, children will be able to appreciate the different lava formations bearing witness to the eruptions that have characterized Vesuvius over the millennia. So let's see in detail what paths are passable for this educational experience.

Tirone Alto Vesuvio Forest Reserve - Trail No. 4

Questo sentiero  attraversa il Broom Plan ed è una delle aree meglio tutelate del Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio. Il tragitto si muove lungo uno stradello per lo più pianeggiante ed è dunque ideale per i liceali e anche per i bambini d’infanzia, delle elementari e delle scuole medie. Il territorio è per gran parte boschivo e si potranno vedere lava flows e formazioni vulcaniche. Qui si potrà conoscere la storia del complesso Somma-Vesuvio e la sua biodiversità. Il percorso offre due opzioni: un percorso breve e uno lungo. Il percorso breve copre 3 km, con una durata di circa 2 ore e un dislivello di 80 metri. Il percorso lungo si estende per 5 km, con una durata simile di circa 2 ore e lo stesso dislivello di 80 metri.

Lava River - Trail No. 9

The path at an altitude of 550 meters is short and alternates flat sections with downhill sections through mixed woods with chestnut trees, acacias, black hornbeams and different species of oak. In the end we will reach a spectacular one lava flow which was formed during the last Vesuvian eruption in 1944. On these pyroclastic deposits you will see colored patches of vegetation, among which the Stereocaulon vesuvianum, the brooms, la valeriana e il rumex scudatum. Da questo punto si potrà poi ammirare un suggestivo panorama sul Golfo di Napoli. Il percorso di 1,5 km dura circa 2 ore con dislivello di 50 metri ed è perfetto per i bambini delle elementari e i ragazzi di medie e superiori.

Great Cone of Vesuvius – Path n. 5

This route starts at an altitude of 1,000 meters and is therefore more challenging than others. In fact, it is especially suitable for fifth grade children and middle and high school children. The path allows you to reach the edge of the crater of Vesuvius e si inerpica lungo una serie di tornanti panoramici da cui si gode un’ottima vista su Monte Somma e Valle del Gigante. Durante la salita le guide turistiche racconteranno le caratteristiche geologiche e naturalistiche del paesaggio e si potranno vedere tante specie animali e vegetali. Il percorso offre due opzioni: il percorso turistico di 3 km, durata di circa 2 ore, con un dislivello di 150 metri e il percorso completo di 6 km, circa 3 ore, con un dislivello di 170 metri Il sentiero avrà una lunghezza di 4 km, un dislivello di 170 metri e una durata di 3 ore.

Cratere Side Walk – Sentiero n. 1 e n. 6

With this excursion between paths n. 1 and no. 6 you can reach the Octavian Square at an altitude of 1,050 meters along the eastern slope of the crater of Vesuvius which offers a suggestive view of the Valle dell'Inferno and Monte Somma. The route allows you to walk on the slopes of the Gran Cono in an area where observation is favorable and without particular differences in height. The guides will explain to the students the geological and naturalistic history of the place and the main ones will be observed native species di flora e fauna. La passeggiata di 3 km ha una durata di circa 2 ore e un dislivello di 90 metri. In generale è indicata per gli scolari della terza, quarta e quinta elementare e delle scuole medie e superiori. È possibile estendere l’itinerario continuando con l’ascesa al bordo craterico dal versante orientale, previo acquisto dei biglietti online (sentiero n.5). Questa opzione è particolarmente indicata per gli studenti della scuola secondaria di secondo grado.

The Valley of Hell – Path no. 1

This route begins at an altitude of 965 meters and descends into the caldera of Mount Somma for a couple of kilometers. Due to its conformation it is the ideal choice to note in detail the typical geological structure of the Somma-Vesuvius complex. In fact, the Valle dell'Inferno divides Monte Somma from the nearby volcano and is dotted with lava flows from the eruptions of the twentieth century. Halfway along the path there are the Cognoli di Levante, where you can see the "rope lava" dating back to the 1929 eruption. The route with a difference in altitude of 180 meters is 4 km long and will take around 3 hours to cover. It is especially recommended for lower and upper secondary school children.

Terzigno pine forest – Path n. 11

The trail at 250 meters is mostly flat and it has been structured to be traveled even by people with motor or visual difficulties. The most modern engineering techniques and natural materials were used for its construction. The walkway includes a wooden platform che si snoda attraverso un’area formata da strati di lava recente, sui quali è stata piantata una pineta. Il tracciato in legno disegna curve e cambi di direzione ed offre dei pittoreschi scorci sul versante occidentale del Vesuvio. Questa esperienza è indicata per i bambini di scuole di ogni ordine e grado, dall’infanzia alle superiori e per bambini con disabilità motorie. Il percorso è di appena 2 km e per coprirlo ci vorranno un paio di ore con 10 metri di dislivello
From: €10.00

  • To person
  • Teachers and the disabled

  • To person
  • Teachers and the disabled

Final price guaranteed, no hidden costs

Secure transaction

How can I pay? Is my payment secure?

You can pay using your credit card, bank transfer or at our offices (by appointment) at Viale Villa Bianca, snc, 80078 Pozzuoli (Naples). Our payment system encrypts your data for Protect you from fraud and unauthorized transactions. To process your credit card transactions, Movery uses secure and internationally recognized payment systems. To ensure your safety, do not send direct payments to any activity provider outside of our site. Payment will be processed at the time of booking. However, some activities require confirmation from the activity provider. If your reservation has not been confirmed prior to your trip or before your activity start time, you may contact us to request a refund through the same payment method you used when making your reservation.

Reservation assistance

With Movery you always have a digital assistant at your side. Before booking we are at your disposal to clarify any doubts, after booking we will send you all the partner's information with which you can define the last little details. Don't worry until the experience is completed (and even during) our assistant will be there to resolve any unforeseen issues and clarify any doubts.

Looking for something different or a custom quote? Contact us

    Activity's Location

    80056 Herculaneum, Metropolitan City of Naples, Italy

    How to get there

    How to reach the meeting point by car

    From Piazza Garibaldi move onto Corso Lucci and Via Ferraris to take the A3. Continue for 10 km and take the exit for Ercolano. Then turn into Via Cupa Monti and Via Vesuvio. After 1.5 km take Contrada Osservatorio and follow the road for 400 metres.

    How to reach the meeting point by public transportation

    From Naples central station take Line L4 to the Ercolano Scavi stop. On foot reach Via Panoramica and take bus 5. Get off after 21 stops and continue on foot along Via Vesuvio and Contrada Osservatorio.


    (7 reviews)
    Very good
    7 reviews on this Activity
    Amplify your travel experience
    giuseppe guardascione

    Excursion 10/10

    This morning I took the middle school kids to the top rated trail "The Great Cone of Vesuvius" and they were enchanted by everything around them and in love with the grand landscape over the Bay of Naples. Also rated 10 for the explanations provided by the tour guides. To be done again!!!
    Amplify your travel experience
    viviana scala

    Fantastic tour

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! My fifth graders were very satisfied with the cultural preparation of the tour guides. Congratulations, efficient tour!
    Amplify your travel experience
    mariano lucci

    5-star experience

    Highly recommended experience! Experienced staff and also easy to book thanks to the movery staff who organize all the logistics.

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