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Fluffy little clouds filled with a delicious milk cream: the unmistakable snowflakes by Poppella, an all-Neapolitan guarantee. Who has never heard of it?
The fame of these small brioche precedes them internationally, in no time they have conquered the palate of anyone who tastes them.
The origins of the dessert
La prima volta in cui questa prelibatezza è stata sfornata non è tanto lontana da noi, e risale al 2015, quando Cyrus Poppella, heir to a bakery located in the Rione Sanità, decided to prepare a simple, fresh and delicate filling: a milk cream and ewe's milk ricotta, with which to stuff a fluffy brioche (which boasts a full 8 hours of rising!) covered with a cascade of icing sugar. Il risultato è stato un dolce buono ed economico, che ha riscosso un enorme successo in pochissimo tempo; basti pensare che da una ventina di pezzi sfornati ogni Sunday today boasts about ten thousand snowflakes per week.
Poppella's first location, initially a bakery, originated from two consorts, Raffaele Scognamiglio, nicknamed Papele, and Giuseppina Evangelista, viz. Pəppənella (Peppina): l’unione tra i loro nomi diede vita al marchio più famoso di Napoli. La cultura gastronomica del forno passò di generazione in generazione, diventando anche tarallificio, up to the current management, in the hands of Cyrus Scognamiglio and Cyrus Oliva.
The mile-long lines are a perfect testament to the success of this treat. Meanwhile, in addition to the main location near the Sanfelice Palace, è stato aperto anche un secondo point of sale, in via Santa Brigida, within walking distance of the Angevin Male, from Umberto I Gallery and from the San Carlo Theater.
Variants and imitations
Over time, several variations arose in the stuffing of the staple to suit all tastes, such as the one at the chocolate or to the pistachio (we tasted them all, a delight!).
Nonostante sia ormai abbastanza nota la classica preparazione per realizzare i fiocchi, non è mai stata divulgata la ricetta completa e originale di Poppella: chissà se riusciremo a scoprire quali sono gli ingredienti che lo rendono così speciale tra tutti!
Of course, over the years there have been many labs by bakery who have tried to replicate the recipe, giving it different names: chief among them the famous Cloud by Infante House, at first glance identical to the snowflake, or even the Snow White of the bakery Rescigno to Via Foria.
In Carbonara Street, on the other hand, the bakery Caprice proposed an alternative inspired by the bow but different, the babane: it is, in fact, about babà filled with milk cream, cream and mascarpone.