From June 26 to July 3, the Aragonese Castle of Ischia sarà teatro dell’Ischia Film Festival, an international festival dedicated to film locations.

Born from the project Cinema and territory di Michelangelo Messina, oggi direttore artistico della competizione, è stato realizzato dall’Associazione Culturale Art Movie e Music.

Il festival vuole conferire un riconoscimento artistico alle opere, ai registi, ai direttori, agli scenografi che valorizzano luoghi italiani o internazionali: rappresentando la realtà umana, storica e sociale e promuovendo cultura e tradizioni suscitano nello spettatore la curiosità e la voglia di scoprire luoghi meravigliosi.

He has a mission, with a real poster. Aims to counter the easy wars that sometimes start between populations for futile reasons, such as lack of intercultural dialogue. It encourages peace by promoting the Cinetourism, neologismo ideato da Michelangelo Messina: la visita delle location cinematografiche e televisive. Incrementa la conoscenza dell’identità culturale dei più svariati luoghi con opere provenienti da tutto il mondo.

The competitive sections of the Ischia Film Festival

È un concorso cinematografico internazionale aperto a lungometraggi, cortometraggi e cinema dal reale, indipendentemente dal linguaggio. Le sezioni in particolare sono quattro.

I Feature films, beating hearts of the festival, both unreleased and edited with documentaries, animations, dramas and the Short films, con stesse caratteristiche ma durata più breve.

The Location denied, opere sia inedite che edite di ogni durata che rappresentano i territori disastrati, violati dalle contraddizioni e dal progresso, distrutti dalla guerra o da disastri naturali, trattano la violazione dei diritti umani e la mancata salvaguardia di paesaggi, beni e identità culturali.

The Campanian scenarios could not miss to celebrate the region Campania which hosts the festival, with unreleased short and feature films including documentaries, animations, and dramas that tell the story of these places through art.

Otto paesi si contenderanno il primo premio: Israele, Francia, Finlandia, Cina, Stati Uniti, Polonia, Portogallo e Italia. Ogni sezione avrà la propria giuria dedicata.

Feature films in competition

Il film in concorso sono Mr. Motor, Echoes of the Empire: Beyond Genghis Khan, Le Café de mes Souvenirs, Sombra, Abu Omar, Io sono Vera, Erotica 2022, Regina.

Mr. Motor di Hene Mi sarà in anteprima mondiale e Echoes of the Empire: Beyond Genghis Khan di Robert H. Lieberman farà la sua prima uscita internazionale. Mr. Motor racconta le contraddizioni della Cina contemporanea tra tradizione e modernità e Echoes of the Empire l’avventurosa vita del leggendario condottiero mongolo.

Le Café de mes Souvenirs di Valto Baltzar è un musical franco-finlandese che rende omaggio al cult movie Les parapluies de Cherbourg.

Pozzis, Samarkand by Stefano Giacomuzzi is about a Friulian centaur's motorcycle journey to the famous Samarkand.

Sombra by Bruno Gascon exposes international pedophile organizations through the painful disappearance of a Portuguese teenager.

Abu Omar by Roy Krispel makes us reflect on the current harrowing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

I am Vera by Beniamino Catena tells us about the surreal return home of a girl who has been missing for years.

Erotica 2022 denounces attempts to restrict the civil and social achievements of Polish women.

Queen è un film ambientato in Calabria, opera di Alessandro Grande, già ospite in passato del festival.

The short films in the competition

I corti in concorso sono Al-Sit, Being my mom, Due Feriscono, Tre Guariscono, El silencio del rio, Fibonacci, His death, Là dove la notte, Mezzanotte, Return to Toyama, Shakira, Stanbrook, Talker, This cloud is stille there, The God, Zheng.

Al-Sit by Suzannah Mirghani brings us the adventures of 15-year-old Nafisa, who is in love with Babiker but destined for an arranged marriage with Nadir, a young Sudanese businessman.

Being my mom by Jasmine Trinca tells of a mother and daughter walking around Rome with a large suitcase who step by step discover their love for each other.

Two Wound, Three Heal, by Elisa Baccolo, Daniele De Stefano, Martina Lioi, Walter Molfese and Beatrice Surano. Five chapters to journey through Lucanian ceremonial magic with a reinterpretation of ritual as a means of healing.

El silencio del rio by Francesca Canepa is about Juan, a 9-year-old Peruvian boy who lives with a very taciturn father in a houseboat on the Amazon River. An allegorical journey through the rainforest jungle will reveal the identity of his father.

Fibonacci by Tomáš Hubáček features a dark hunter and a human flock running through the fields. It is based on the famous succession of Fibonacci, one of the greatest mathematicians of all time.

His death, by Avishai Sivan tells of layman Noah's meeting after many years with his brothers. They gather in Jerusalem to hear the will of the recently deceased patriarch.

There where the night by Francesco Filippini, presents the story of Pic and his grandmother. A flash of lightning makes the light go out: a wolf comes, an owl and leaves start to fall. The power comes back on and Grandma discovers Pic's drawings on the wall with everything they have seen and there is also a tree trunk on their house. They set off on a night trip to straighten the tree and step by step discover their origins.

Midnight by Giuseppe Carrieri, is about two teenagers in the same neighborhood in the Neapolitan suburbs, Peppe and Imma. Peppe is forced to move to Germany to work with his uncle but spends his last night in Naples delivering pizzas in Scampia. He had never really talked to Imma and that night he meets her in an apartment where illegal abortions take place. They live that night as if it were the last of their lives.

Return to Toyama by Atsushi Hirai is the story of Takumi who leaves Japan to go to France against his father's advice. He then decides to return to his hometown after a long absence.

Shakira by Noémie Merlant is the story of a young gypsy woman who tries to rescue her family from the streets and meets Marius, a member of a gang of robbers.

Stanbrook By Óscar Bernàcer. We are in Spain in 1939, at the end of the Civil War, and in the port of Alicante thousands of people are waiting for a ship. The freighter Stanbrook witnesses the heartbreaking desperation of those moments.

Talker by Mehrshad Ranjbar, the life of an elderly lady who cares all her life for her ailing husband but one day she is no more.

This cloud is still there by Mickey Lai is the story of a young Christian woman. Her grandfather Xiao Le becomes terminally ill and she has the opportunity to intervene with Taoist family rituals. She begins to pray secretly hoping to save him but her mother finds out and is not at all happy.

The God by Shim Ik Tae. It tells of a shamanism village where Taeju is the representative of God. Jeong-hee, the village madwoman, is found drowned in a dock one day. Everyone thinks it is just an accident but not Seo-ok who saw her that very day fighting with Tae-joo.

Zheng by Giacomo Sebastiani is about a lonely young Chinese man, working in Italy since childhood and never satisfied with his life. He is always torn between the rigors of work and the desire to be with his peers and will be called upon to make a decision.

Location denied

The films are Admiral Tchumakov, Aylesbury Estate, Dajla: cinema and oblivion, Days of ignorance, Hakamada - The longest-held mand in deathrow, Magnificent fortunes, Mila, Movida, On island west, Sapelo, Shawka, Shero, The criminals, The Vatican, The Visit, What we don't know about Mariam.

Admiral Tchumakov by Laurier Fourniau and Arnaud Alberola tells of the melancholy figure of a Soviet admiral 30 years after the fall of the USSR. The story takes place on Lake Issyk Kul, one of the five deepest in the world. The buildings and wrecks on its shores are being removed to turn Bayktchy Harbor into resorts.

Aylesbury Estate By Carlotta Berti. The Aylesbury Estate is a large housing estate built in southeast London in the 1960s. The film chronicles this community resistant to attempts at housing speculation by focusing on Fred, an ex-demolitionist nearing eviction.

Dajla: cinema and oblivion by Arturo Dueñas is about life in Dakhla, a forgotten refugee camp for 45 years in southern Algeria where the celebration of a festival finally gives a jolt of life but then the event ends and we return to oblivion.

Days of ignorance by Abolfazl Tajik presents the life and work of Ali-Mohammad, 84-year-old last surviving rural feltrai in the Neyshabur region.

Hakamada - The longest-held man in deathrow by Louis Dai is the story of Iwao Hakamada, an inmate in Japan's criminal justice system who holds the world record for length of stay on death row. His sister has struggled to prove his innocence for 47 years.

Magnificent fortunes and progressions by Claudio Di Mambro, Luca Mandrile and Umberto Migliaccio tackles an interesting reflection through the eyes of Renato Curcio, socio-analyst, co-founder of the Red Brigades, now a prisoner in Italy for more than two decades. Exploring the island of Santo Stefano and the Ergastolo prison, he compares institutions and the web: the Internet, social media and all related algorithms can be virtual prisons.

Mila by Cinzia Angelini talks about the war as seen through the eyes of a little girl who has lost everything but still has hope.

Movida by Alessandro Padovani is the story of two children, Tommaso and Riccardo, who spend the summer playing among abandoned parking lots and warehouses in the Belluno area, one of many Italian areas that are becoming depopulated.

On island west by Carolyn Saunders tells of Arya, an 18-year-old who grew up on an island as a racist militant. One day a persecuted indigenous Canadian arrives and Arya begins to feel a desire for freedom and racial justice at odds with her upbringing.

Sapelo di Nick Brandestini è un documentario sulla storia del griot Cornelia Walker Bailey e i suoi figli adottivi, una narratrice, scrittrice e storica che ha lavorato per preservare la cultura Geechee-Gullah dell’isola di Sapelo.

Shakwa by Farah Shaer, set in Beirut, is about Hoda who secretly goes to expose a crime committed by her husband and faces unexpected consequences.

Shero by Claudio Casale tells of Shabnam, an acid attack victim as a teenager who has now become a Shero, an Indian women's rights activist.

The criminals di Serhat Karaaslan è l’avventura di una giovane coppia alla ricerca di una camera d’albergo, rifiutati da tutti perché non sono sposati.

The Vatican di Gonzalo Almeida parla della dura vita di due persone emarginate dalla società, rifugiati in un edificio abbandonato.

The Visit by Azadeh Moussavi tells of Elaheh preparing, with her daughter Tara, to meet her husband after six months of imprisonment.

What we don’t know about Mariam di Morad Mostafa è la vicenda di Mariam che si reca in ospedale per sanguinamento e un forte dolore addominale ma dopo la visita comincia a litigare con il marito.

Campanian scenarios

The films are To the Big Bad Wolf, Clarus, Poor Summer, Fragments, The Ardor of the Shy, The Consequences of the Actor-Little Michele Esposito.

To the big bad wolf di Chiara Tarfano e Ilaria Luperini è la storia di Sergio Piro, psichiatra eretico con la passione per il linguaggio che comprende i “matti”. Come Basaglia al Nord riuscì a far istituire la legge 180 per la cancellazione dei manicomi, anche lui al Sud fece la sua rivoluzione ma rimase nell’ombra.

Clarus di Michele Schiano è il racconto di Marco, custode e guida delle strutture archeologiche di Alife che a fine giornata, proprio quando sta per chiudere l’ultima porta degli scavi, si accorge della presenza di Claro, il primo vescovo di Alife e comincia un viaggio tra storia e leggenda.

Poor summer by Andrea Piretti talks about the wonderful volunteers who work tirelessly in Naples to help all those in need.

Fragments by Boris Molinaro are the life fragments of Giovanni De Angelis, Raffaele Buono and Sandro Petti, historical inhabitants of the island of Ischia. They reflect on the past and present and bring the island to life in a rural, spiritual and mundane dimension.

The ardor of the timid di Antonio Vladimir Marino è una toccante riflessione sulle persone dal carattere timido, che vivono un po’ fuori dal tempo, sempre da parte ma quando sono mossi dalla loro passione danno vitalità, speranza, ci fanno tornare sulla giusta via in un mondo dominato dall’apparenza.

The consequences of the actor - Little Michele Esposito di Daniele Chiariello e Pierfrancesco Cantarella racconta di Michele, ultimo nato in una semplice famiglia di Amalfi che si trova catapultato a soli 11 anni nel mondo del cinema. Si gode la sua fama fino ai 15 anni ma poi, come accade spesso e volentieri, non è più chiamato da nessuno.

The program and guests of the Ischia Film Festival

I film in gara sono tanti e interessanti ma non è finita qui. Potrete vedere altri numerosi film celebri come Quo Vadis, Aida?, Caliber 9, Black Parthenope, Russian Ark and Oliver Twist and many guests will take part in the event.

There will be Oliver Stone, famous director for over forty years in the film world, then Alexander Sokurov, Leone d’oro alla Mostra del Cinema di Venezia con “Faust” nel 2011 e anche Allan Starski, Oscar-winning set designer for Schindler's List.

Il festival comincerà sabato 26 giugno con la proiezione del film Quo Vadis, Aida? di Jasmila Žbanić che descrive l’atroce massacro di 8000 musulmani bosniaci nel luglio del 1995 a Srebrenica. Continuerà con The last paradise By Rocco Ricciardulli. A fascinating Riccardo Scamarcio interpreting Fatty Paradise, a man who tries to protect a group of workers from the exploitation of Cumpá Schettino, unscrupulous landowner. On this evening the director, screenwriter and actor Alessandro D'Alatri will receive the Plinius Award.

The following will then be screened Sic Est, a tale of the Naples suburbs through the eyes of children, Oplontis, a journey through Claudio Monteverdi's last drama in music, inside the striking Villa of Poppea in the Oplontis Archaeological Park, Fragments, To the big bad wolf, Al-Sit and Hakamada - The longest-held man in death row.

On Sunday, June 27, there will be an award ceremony of Barbara Bouchet and Marco Bocci, with theIschia Film Award. They themselves will introduce the screening of Caliber 9 by Toni D'Angelo, the story of Fernando, a brilliant criminal lawyer who finds himself dealing with a scam. Instead, director Franco Bruni will present What will be, the flat life of a man named Bruno who one day discovers he has leukemia. The following will be screened next The Vatican, Shakwa, Magnificent fortunes and progressions and Sapelo.

On Monday, June 28, there will be an award ceremony of Allan Starski with the Life Achievement Award, the Ischia Film Festival lifetime achievement award and the screening of another of his masterpieces, Oliver Twist. This will be followed by. Romantic guide to remote places, the adventures of alcoholic Benno and fearful Allegra, Poor summer, His death, Erotica 2022, Queen, Return to Toyama and The God.

Tuesday, June 29 will be premiered Black Parthenope by Alexander Lily. The director along with cast members Giovanni Esposito, Gianluca Di Gennaro and Nicola Nocella will be present at the festival. Other guests will be Giovanni Amura, Elvis Esposito and Sara Falanga. There will then be a screening of 200 meters, the story of Mustafa and his wife divided by a wall in two countries only 200 meters apart, Clarus, Echoes of the Empire, Pozzis, Samarkand, Shero, Being my mom, Shakira, Talker and Movida.

On Wednesday, June 30, the following will be screened Any given sunday, who tells us about coach Tony D'Amato, I am Vera, The ardor of the timid, El silencio del Rio, The criminals, The cloud is still there, There where the night, Mila, Fibonacci, The visit, Dajla: cinema and oblivion and The consequences of the actor - Michele Esposito.

The following will be screened on Thursday, July 1 East - last minute fingering, the adventure of three friends who set off on an Eastern European vacation, Sombra, Two wound, three heal, On island west, What we don't know about Miriam, Abu Omar, Midnight, Stanbrook, Days of Ignorance and Mr Motor.

The evening of Friday, July 2, will be dedicated to Alexander Sokurov: will receive the IFF Lifetime Achievement Award 2021 and there will be a screening of his masterpiece Russian Ark, the story of two travelers during one of the most decisive periods in Russian political and social history. The following will then be screened All for Uma, a mysterious girl who tries to help the Ferliga family, then Admiral Tchumakov, Talking dreams, Zheng, Le café de mes souvenirs, Aylesbury summer.

On Saturday, July 3, there will be the last screenings with Laces, the failing marriage of Aldo and Vanda, and Security, which is about the quiet town of Forte dei Marmi. The grand finale will be the awarding of the winning entries at the Cathedral of the Assumption.

The Ischia Film Festival in your home

The festival also brings the world of cinema into our homes. Those who want to can watch from the comfort of their homes and for free 33 films out of competition by going to the Ischia Film Festival website. Thriller, adventure, drama, romance, all just a click away.