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Every year Agropoli celebrates the Feast of Our Lady of Constantinople, which ends with a procession of boats. The long-awaited event always falls on the July 24 and it is a time of joy and merriment for the entire citizenry.
On this occasion the church statue of Our Lady of Constantinople is carried by fishermen in procession to the harbor, where a boat awaits to carry it out to sea. The procession It then continues into the waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea, with other boats composing a kind of procession.
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The church of Our Lady of Constantinople
On July 24 each year Agropoli hosts the long-awaited religious festival in honor of Our Lady of Constantinople, patron saint of fishermen. The church of the same name built in the 16th century on a promontory overlooking the sea, a short distance from the port, is dedicated to the Virgin.
Legend has it that in 1535 the ruthless Ottoman privateer. Khayr al-Din Barbarossa stormed the town of Agropoli and captured 500 prisoners, who were then sold as slaves. Houses, churches and fields were destroyed during the siege, and anyone who resisted was mercilessly killed.
Some people loyal to the Virgin saved the statue of Our Lady of Constantinople by hiding it inside a cave on the promontory on which the old city stands. After a few years, a strong swell dragged the statue into the sea. Seeing it floating, a group of fishermen decided to retrieve it and build a chapel in its honor, namely the present Church of Our Lady of Constantinople.
Since that time, Our Lady is said to have intervened several times to help and protect the sailors and faithful of Agropoli. One of the best-known episodes dates back to 1956, when 20 sailors went out to sea to go fishing. When they were about to return, they were caught in a violent storm that did not allow them to return to port.
The waves threatened to engulf the boat, and then the fishermen uttered aloud a prayer to Our Lady of Constantinople, entrusting themselves to her mercy. From the coast, family members followed the story in desperation, and unexpectedly the fishermen managed to return home unharmed.
As a memento of the event, a painting by the artist Casucci Percoco of Acquaviva delle Fonti was placed on the ceiling of the Church of Our Lady of Constantinople, which depicts the Virgin appearing to rescue sailors who were asking for help. Also in honor of the Blessed Virgin was established the Feast of Our Lady of Constantinople held on July 24 to commemorate what happened in 1913.
It seems that a heavy storm had hit Agropoli, destroying the tents in which French soldiers were camped. The soldiers took refuge in the church of Our Lady of Constantinople, regardless of the protests of the local authorities.
On the night of July 24, water began to gush from the floor of the church, and not knowing how to explain the phenomenon, the soldiers decided to leave. This is why the Feast of Our Lady of Constantinople is held on this date and culminates with a procession at sea.
The return of the boat procession
After a 2-year interruption due to Covid-19, celebrations in honor of Our Lady of Constantinople returned in 2022. Usually the celebration kicks off as early as July 15 with the start of the Novena, while the highlight falls between July 22 and 24.
Since last year, the customary fireworks display has also returned, with spectacular pyrotechnics in the water. From July 15 to July 23, a solemn mass will be held at the church every day at 7 p.m., and on July 23 there will be a procession with the picture of the Blessed Virgin being carried to the harbor.
On the morning of July 24, however, four masses are held with pleading to Our Lady of Constantinople, and from 7 p.m. the actual procession begins. After a short route starting from the church in the historic center, the holy statue is taken to the port and boarded on a fishing boat to reach Trentova. Other boats line up behind the boat, and thousands of people watch the event from the waterfront with a riot of fireworks and festivities.