Associated to Movery

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Terms and Conditions

L’iniziativa soddisfatti o rimborsati è sempre valida su tutte le esperienze, tour e attività presenti sulla piattaforma. I clienti che acquisteranno una di queste attività, se insoddisfatti, potranno avere la possibilità di richiedere il rimborso della somma pagata in fase di prenotazione in base ad alcune condizioni.

Dissatisfaction with the service must be reported to customer service no later than the end of the activity. If the activity lasts longer than a single day, it will be possible to request reimbursement no later than 24 hours after the start of the activity.

In order to request reimbursement, it will be necessary to fill out in full the online form to which the client will have access only after booking the activity. The data communicated with the reimbursement request form will be processed by computer and/or paper media for the sole purpose of managing reimbursement activities. The customer must verify that he/she meets all requirements before proceeding with the reimbursement request.

In case it is not, it will not be possible to receive a refund. Following the submission of the form, an audit will be initiated with the purpose of ascertaining the conditions through an interview with the client and the partner in charge of providing the service.

The refund will cover only and only the fee paid by the customer at the time of purchase. All expenses incurred by the consumer outside the purchased activity shall be excluded.

In cases where equipment or particular clothing is required for the activity to be performed and these are the responsibility of the client, there is no refund if the activity is denied.

If, however, it is one of our partners who does not have the equipment included and you are excluded from the activity there will be a refund. Refunds will be made within 30 business days of notification of dissatisfaction through receipt of a coupon with a value equal to the amount spent or return of part or all of the amount spent.

Following the reported dissatisfaction, the consumer will be made to terminate the purchased activity. Any consumer who refuses to terminate the activity early will no longer be eligible for a refund.

The granting of a refund is at the discretion of the Movery staff in charge of inspection procedures. Products are excluded from the money-back policy.

Do you want to apply for a refund?

Nothing could be simpler!
Fill out the form with the requested data. Upon receiving your request, we will evaluate your case and proceed with issuing the voucher within 30 working days.

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