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Known to most as the city of witches, Benevento è una località ricca di storia e cultura. Inizialmente chiamata Maloenton dai Sanniti, in latino Maleventum, quando venne conquistata dai romani fu ribattezzata Beneventum, per sostituire il vecchio nome considerato funesto.
Sei un appassionato di storia? Benevento è ricca di monumenti antichi come l'Arch of Trajan, erected to celebrate the extension of Appian Way and the Roman theatre, wanted by Emperor Hadrian. Also there Church of Hagia Sophia with its frescoes and the Sannio Museum meritano una visita.
Amante dello shopping? Nel downtown si trovano boutique con le grandi firme ma anche piccoli negozi. Non mancano locali dove svagarsi in compagnia tutto l'anno.
Benevento è famosa anche per le sue eccellenze eno-gastronomiche: i vini pregiati come l'aglianico and the falanghina but also the Strega liqueur, prodotto dalla Famiglia Alberti sin dal 1860.
Vicino all'antica Maleventum troviamo anche Sant'Agata de' Goti, one of the most beautiful villages in the area and the Telese Lake, not far from the spa of the same name. Not to be forgotten is the Grassano Park to San Salvatore Telesino, a nature park near Telese Terme, perfect for nature lovers.



Sant'Agata de' Goti, the tuff terrace at the foot of Mount Taburno

Sant'Agata de' Goti, the tuff terrace at the foot of Mount Taburno

Discover one of the most beautiful villages in Campania, Sant'Agata dei Goti, evidence of dominations and...

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2025-03-28 09:58:25
Archaeological Area

Benevento's Roman Theater: a historical monument of rare beauty

Pontius Telesino Square, 82100, Benevento 1h

Once an ancient Roman theater inaugurated by Emperor Hadrian, today a unique location for unique events and...

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2025-03-28 09:58:25
Park or garden

Grassano Park in San Salvatore Telesino

Via Grassano 1, 82035, San Salvatore Telesino 2h

The wonderful park crossed by the Rio Grassano River, an oasis of peace, recreation and relaxation at...

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2025-03-28 09:58:25

The village of Pietrelcina

Pietrelcina, 82020 1h

Discover with us Pietrelcina, birthplace of Padre Pio, an important center of tourism...

0 / 5 Not Rated (0 Reviews)
2025-03-28 09:58:25

Tours and walks

Guided Tour

Trekking tour condiviso sul fiume Calore

Calore Gorge, Remolino Location, Felitto, SA, Italy 4h
Do you love to immerse yourself in the green? With this trekking tour along the Calore River you will have the opportunity to...
0 / 5 Not Rated (0 Reviews)
2025-03-28 09:58:25
Guided Tour

Alla scoperta del centro storico di Pietralcina, la città natale di Padre Pio

Viale Cappuccini, 131, 82020 Pietrelcina BN, Italy 2h
To get to know the wonders of Sannio, there is nothing better than an excursion to Pietrelcina...
0 / 5 Not Rated (0 Reviews)
2025-03-28 09:58:25
Guided Tour

Tour in Sant'Agata de' Goti with winery visit and wine tasting

Piazza Giovanni Paolo II, Piazza Giovanni Paolo II, Sant'Agata de' Goti, Province of Benevento, Italy 3h
To get to know the beauty of Sannio, book this tour in Sant'Agata de' Goti that will...
0 / 5 Not Rated (0 Reviews)
2025-03-28 09:58:25
Guided Tour

Guided excursion to the heart of Benevento, the city of witches

Piazza Castello, Benevento, Province of Benevento, Italy 3h
Are you fascinated by esotericism and magic? Don't miss this fantastic guided tour of Benevento, thanks...
0 / 5 Not Rated (0 Reviews)
2025-03-28 09:58:25

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